W/E 3rd February 2019
Bord na nóg:
Calling on all residents of Drumsna, Annaduff and Dromod. Our Underage boys registration for U17s down to nursery is due to take place next Saturday the 2nd of February and Sunday the 3rd from 12 mid-day to 1:30pm both days. All new/old members living in our parish are very welcome to come along meet some of our coaches have a chat about the plans for the coming season of football. Our U17s and U13s are back training in preparation of the up-coming leagues best of luck to the management and players for the year ahead.
Leitrim Suporters Club:
The annual Leitrim supporters tickets will be coming available over the next few days. Please note Annaduff GAA gets a quota that we must sell, so please only buy them off any member of our club executive.
New Baby:
Congratulations to Noel & Tracy Ward, Dromod on the birth of their first child a Son named Dean born on the 21st January. A new grandson for John & Maura and i am sure his neighbour and cousin Oran will have a pair of football boots so we can get him togged out in Maroon & Gold before too long!!.
Annaduff Health & Wellbeing:
Our new health and well-being officer Lisa Duignan has set up a new page on facebook please like and share as it will have all up-coming healthy eating and exercise/walking events over the year.
Well done Lisa!!!.
Lotto: The Annaduff Parish & GAA lotto draw took place in the Brandywell, Dromod on Sunday the 27th of January. Numbers 4,7,14,16 there was no winner.
€50 Margaret Fagan
€25 Daniel Lyons
€25 Rose McWeeney
€25 Derek Cox
€25 Louise Shanley
Jackpot now stands at €2000.
Next draw will take place in Taylors Drumsna on the 10th of February.
So as always please get your tickets in and Thank you for your continued support !!!