W/E 26th December 2021

Annaduff 50/50 On-Line :Our Annaduff GAA 50/50 draw took place from outside Annaduff GAA on Sunday evening last. The winning ticket drawn by Karen Dockery was number #248 with a prize of €200 and the winner was Denny Dockery. The second ticket drawn was number #54 winner of the Christmas hamper was Ciara Duignan. Congratulations Denny & Ciara !!.The next draw will take place on Sunday 2nd of January.Thanks to everyone for supporting Annaduff GAA. You can enter on www.annaduffgaa.ie/fifty.Leitrim Ladies:Congratulations to Annaduff player Viv Egan and the Leitrim Ladies on their win in the Connacht LGFA Intermediate Final between Leitrim and Roscommon on Sunday last. Great way to finish off the year !!.Engagement:Annaduff GAA would like to sent our congratulations to Diarmuid Mac Raghnaill, Esker on his engagement to Maria Flanagan over the weekend. Best wishes to you both. Ann Foley Memorial run:Former Annaduff Manager Karl O Foghlu, and his family have done a remarkable thing. They have raised €47,000 for the Irish Cancer Society in memory of their late mother Ann Foley. On Saturday night last the presentation was held in Glancy’s Bar. What a fantastic achievement. Well done to everyone involved. Chrismas & New year:As 2021 comes to a close, Annaduff GAA would like to thank everyone for their continued support throughout the year. Despite Covid keeping us off the pitch for a while, our young members showed their determination and skill with some great results. A tough year for others losing members of their families, RIP to all who have died.Thanks to all who work behind the scenes, supporting the club however you can, We thank you! To the Parish and world wide Annaduff Family on behalf of Your club executive, trustees we wish you a Happy, Healthy & Merry Christmas & New Year, Roll on 2022!!