Bridie Shanley accepting on behalf of Sean Farrell the Nearest the Pin prize (5th hole)
Jim McLoughlin accepting on behalf on Mick Moran the Longest Drive prize (15th hole)
John Woods accepting 7th place prize, on behalf of his team, with 83pts.
Tim Shanley accepting 6th place prize, on behalf of his team Frank Shanley, Alan Leech & Joe McElhone, with 84pts
Shane Keville accepting 5th place prize, on behalf of Michael Solon, Harry O’Flynn, Joe & Don Reynolds, with 84pts
John Talbot accepting 4th place prize, on behalf of Molly Daly, Ann Dolan, Brenda Keogh & Mary O’Rourke, with 85pts
Adrian McNulty accepting the “Best Dressed Golfer” award
Gene Cox accepting the “Fastest Round of Golf” award
Tom McNabola accepting the “Most Relaxed Golfer” award
John Talbot accepting the 3rd place prize, on behalf of his team Siobhan Talbot, Michael Gallagher and Andy McGaurn with 86pts
Trevor Browne accepting the 2nd place prize, on behalf of his team John O’Connor, Andy Galvin & Chris Faughan with 92pts
Atty Hynes, Brian Oates & Jim McLoughlin (missing Mick Moran) accepting 1st place prize with 93pts from Ciaran Dolan of Athlone Renault (Sean White Car Sales) our 2009 Golf Classic Main Sponsor
Trevor Browne’s team from left John O’Connor, Chris Faughan, Trevor Browne and Andy Galvin